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Breaking Up with Addiction: Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

Maybe I was embarrassed to admit how much control I’d given you… But I was so desperate, I called someone I knew who was sober. He told me I didn’t have to fight you alone. What do you hope to gain by becoming sober? Goals can help you change your behavior and maintain momentum in life. They let you focus your attention on positive things and promote a sense of self-mastery. All things come to an end, even an addiction. Breaking free is difficult, but it is the best decision you can ever make. While this might sound cliché, one of the things you can do is write a goodbye letter to your addiction. This method has helped many people let go of their issues.

goodbye addiction letter

I hit some of the lowest points in my life, and I now realize that I am worth more. I will pursue new opportunities, achieve new goals, and adopt a healthy lifestyle. And to do all of this, I need you out of my life. Eventually, I realized that I was wrong. You took almost everything away from me. Eventually, you took everything away from me. You told me that as long as I let you control everything in my life, everything would be okay. It has become clear that everything is not okay.

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Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. I am not going to stop stepping into the light. I am not going to stop spreading a message of hope. When it comes to staying sober, why go it alone? Design For Recovery – Sober living homes for men in Los Angeles, CA. Contact us today. We want to know your story and welcome you home. A week later, I found myself fighting with my girlfriend. I thought it was just a rebound, that I would see you once and then return to my life.

Then, you decided to push me into that grave. You thought that you would be able to get rid of me. I will not let it because I am stronger than you and I am saying goodbye. Ignore grammarYeah, you heard that correctly. Document Sober House every thought that comes to your mind. Do not be limited by grammatical correctness or spelling. What can you say on paper that you’ve never said to anyone? All these should be captured in your goodbye letter to addiction.

Breaking Up with Addiction: Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

I saw you sweep those I look up to off their feet; I felt you could transport me to that place of power, happiness, relevance, influence, and acceptance. So I innocently followed you with every fiber of my being. One day at a time, goodbye addiction letter I would keep you in my past where you belong. You took so much from me, but through defeating you, I gained so much more. One day lead to the next, and before I knew it, you were gone. I didn’t know for how long, so I was careful.

The letter may relay humor and the lighter side of drinking before alcoholism took ahold. Many people enjoyed drinking in the beginning. So, it helps to talk about the fun before the goodbye addiction letter addiction took hold of life. My life completely halted in hopes I could just hang onto you for a little longer. I knew you were killing me, yet I couldn’t let go of your hold.

When times get tough in recovery, you can look back on this letter and be reminded of why you decided to get clean in the first place. This may give you the extra motivation you need to stay on this path and avoid relapse. Richard Singer is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who was once homeless and ready to die as a direct result of addiction. Richard has over 20 years of extensive experience in the field of addiction treatment as a psychotherapist and educator. Alyssa who is the National Director of Digital Marketing, joined the Banyan team in 2016, bringing her five-plus years of experience. She has produced a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field.
